Friday, February 21, 2020

Jewish philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jewish philosophy - Essay Example The main objective of these philosophers was to revive the principles of Jewish religion. It was also realized that the course of direction of Jewish religion has to be tremendously changed with the advancement of time period to attract the new groups of people. In this context, the efforts of Jacques Derrida and Emmanuel Levinas for reviving the Judaism are noteworthy. Derrida is more cautious in explaining the meaning of Jewish philosophy in comparison to that of Levinas. It might be mainly because of the reason that he intends to convince the people that there appears some element of hesitation and undecidebility which we cannot avoid. He is more emphasizing on the truth that one cannot make Jewish religion popular by telling untruth. He is more open to reveal that the Jewish philosophy has some element of confusion and then tries to convince people that they have to accept it in its own form. In this process, he uses the word â€Å" relevant† translation which means that the translation of Jewish philosophy has to be done originally and accurately with out any deviation (Jacques derrida and Lawrence Venutti, 2001) At the same time, Derrida is skeptical about the successful implementation of new forms of non-violence. He is explaining the difficulty of implementing violence free world and his further argument was to convince people that i t has become a regular practice to experience some for of violence in the present day society. He also didn’t believe in totalism and exposes the element of suffering. He also interpreted that the affirmation of ghosts was not an ideal measure it poses a threat in the form of human violence and it obstructs the human conscience. On the other hand, Levinas concentrated on the theory that the Jewish religion can be spread effectively by way of translation, transmission and conveyance of Jewish tradition in easily understandable manner. Levinas believed in some form of implementation of non-violence in the present day

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